Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection
Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection
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Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection | 4 Vials of 50 mg Each

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Biocon Biologics India Ltd
Nimotuzumab 50 mg

Introduction of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection is a humanized monoclonal antibody. It desires the epidermal growth component receptor (EGFR). Biomab EGFR 50 mg can be used as monotherapy and in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy to treat head and neck cancer and cancer of colon and rectum and certain types of brain cancer, including glioma and glioblastoma. It works by helping to mark the cancer cells so that the body's immune system can destroy them.

Biomab EGFR 50 mg may cause some common adverse effects are weakness, vomiting and diarrhoea.Tell your medical health practitioner withinside the occasion that they trouble you or seem serious. There may be ways to make them less severe or to avoid them altogether. If you get sudden difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, fever or chills, tell your doctor. You will need regular blood tests to check your blood cells and your heart, liver and electrolyte levels.

Tell your doctor or health care professional if you have heart disease, liver or kidney problems, or if you are using anti-infective drugs. A large number of other medicines may also interact with this medicine, or be affected by it, so tell your healthcare team about all the medicines you are taking. Biomab EGFR Injection is not recommended for use during pregnancy or while you are breast-feeding. The use of effective birth control by both men and women during treatment is important for the prevention of pregnancy.

Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection is given by injection under the supervision of your doctor or health care professional. The dose you need and how often you need to take it will be decided by your doctor.This is based upon on what you're being dealt with for and may alternate from time to time. You should take this medicine exactly as your doctor or health care professional tells you. If you take it in the wrong way, or if you take too much, you may get very serious side effects. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, do not stop taking this medicine.

Uses of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

  • Head and neck cancer
  • Cancer of colon and rectum
  • Glioblastoma (Cancer of the brain and spinal cord)

Benefits of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

Head and neck cancer: Head and neck cancer includes cancers of the mouth, nose, sinuses or throat. Biomab EGFR Injection kills or stops the growth of cancer cells and also prevents cancer cells from multiplying. It is a strong and very toxic medicine and you should discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. You should avoid drinking alcohol or smoking during this treatment and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Cancer of the colon and rectum: Cancer of the colon and rectum, also known as colorectal cancer (CRC) or bowel cancer, is the development of cancer in two parts of the large intestine, the colon or rectum. With this type of cancer, a person may notice symptoms such as blood in the stool, a change in bowel movements, weight loss and fatigue. Biomab EGFR 50 Injection treats and also reduces the risk of developing other cancerous growths (polyps) and bowel cancer. It kills or stops the growth of cancer cells and also stops cancer cells from multiplying. It is an effective medicine, but it does have some side effects.Talk on your physician when you have any concerns.

Glioblastoma (cancer of the brain and spinal cord) Glioblastoma is a type of cancer that starts as a growth of cells in the brain or spinal cord. It works by targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which is often found in high levels on the surface of glioblastoma cells. By binding to EGFR, Biomab EGFR 50 mg can interfere with the growth and spread of these cancer cells.

Side Effects of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

Like all medicines, Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection may cause side effects which do not require medical attention and which will disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Tell your doctor if they persist or if you're worried about them.

Most Common Side Effects of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Itching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Rigors
  • Altered liver enzymes

Common Side Effects of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection

  • Drowsiness
  • Disorientation
  • Changes in blood pressure like hypotension or hypertension
  • Hematuria ( Blood in urine)
  • ​Weakness
  • Allergic reaction
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness​

How to Use Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection?

Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection is used as an IV (intravenous) infusion to be given intravenously into a vein under the supervision of a healthcare professional. This medicine must be given slowly as advised by your doctor. Don't give yourself medicine at home without medical supervision.

How Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection Works?

Biomab EGFR 50 mg works by targeting a protein called epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) which is commonly found on the surface of some cancer cells. By binding to EGFR, nimotuzumab interferes with the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Safety Advices Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection


There are no data on the presence of Biomab EGFR 50 mg or its metabolites in human milk or effects on nursing infants or lactation. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, women should be advised not to breastfeed during treatment with Biomab EGFR 50 Injection and for 2 weeks after the last dose.


The use of Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection is not recommended in pregnant women as it may cause harm to the foetus if administered to a pregnant woman.

Use with Caution

In patients with liver disease, Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection should be used with caution and liver function should be closely monitored. If you experience any side effects or you have concerns about using this Biomab EGFR 50 Injection, please consult your doctor.

Use with Caution

In patients with kidney disease, Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection should be used with caution and kidney function should be closely monitored. If you experience any side effects or you have concerns about using this Biomab EGFR 50 Injection, please consult your doctor.


Drinking alcohol while taking Biomab EGFR 50 mg is generally not recommended. It may increase the risk of liver damage and it is best to avoid alcohol or to limit the amount of alcohol you drink while you are taking this medicine.


Biomab EGFR 50 mg Injection may cause dizziness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating and coordinating, which may affect your ability to drive a vehicle safely. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and take necessary precautions such as avoiding driving a vehicle or operating heavy machinery if you suffer from the side effects of this Biomab EGFR 50 mg.


1. Nimotuzumab Publications, Avaliable From

2. Nimotuzumab, Avaliable From

3. Nimotuzumab, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Avaliable From

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