Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule
Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule
Prescription Required
Prescription Required

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule | 10 Capsules in 1 Strip

You Save ₹ 77.00
(Inclusive of all taxes)
22% OFF
Miracalus Pharma Pvt Ltd
Procarbazine 50 mg

Introduction of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule is used for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease and brain tumor. It reacts with liver enzymes and transforms into active metabolites, which prohibits RNA, DNA, protein. It also destroys the cancer cells and prevents them from growing in a different part of the body. It can only be taken according to the prescription of the doctor. This medicine can be consumed before or after any meal. To get the best result have this medicine at the same time. The patient should avoid cheese, yeast or meat extract, or alcohol during this treatment. Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule has some common adverse effects like vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, skin rash, headache, lack of energy, etc. If these symptoms turn into severe conditions, the patient should consult the doctor. If you have any kidney issue or liver problem, anxiety, depression, high bp then further process to the treatment you should consult your consult. This medicine needs several weeks or months to show its usage to treat the disease. Taking other medications can affect the treatment, so consult your doctor before beginning. This medicine is prohibited during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Uses of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

  • Hodgkin's disease
  • Brain tumor

Benefits of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule is mainly used to treat Hodgkin’s disease. It also helps in destroying the cancer cells and restricted them from growing in the other part of the body.

Side Effects of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule has many adverse effects if it is used in the wrong way. But it varies from person to person and if you want you can consult your doctor regarding these adverse effects.

Most Common Side Effects of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Lack of energy
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drowsiness

Common Side Effects of Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule

  • Skin rash
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Chest pain
  • Jaundice and liver problem

How to Use Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule?

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule should be taken as per the directions of the doctor. Don’t dissolve, break, crew or crush the medicine, just swallow with a glass of water.

How Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule Works?

Zinocarb 50 mg Capsule falls in the group of antineoplastic alkylating agents. It reacts with liver enzymes and transforms into active metabolites, which prohibits RNA, DNA, protein resulting in the destruction of the cancer cells.

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