
Return & Refund Policy

Buysm.com is one of the most trusted and reliable online pharmacy. We always prefer the Newest technology and follow all the Standard Operating procedures and Quality assurance to ensure that you receive high-quality products. Being a Customer centric, Our prime focus is customer satisfaction, and you are entitled to get a Full refund in following circumstances.

Total Refund Possible If:

-Received a damaged or defective item/wrong product;
-If a product is damaged or lost in transit;
-Received an item/product that has passed it's expiration date;
-A product is missing from your order.

Please Note: The mode of refund varies depending on the mode of payment. If you are using a Debit card / Credit Card or net banking, it will take 7 to 10 working days to refund your ordered amount to your account. While we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the given time frame, it depends on the bank's policy. Sometimes there is a delay in crediting the account, and we do not have any control over the bank's return policy. Suppose the mode of refund is COD (Cash On Delivery Payment). In that case, you need to provide voided check image or statement of the bank to verify and ensure that your banking details, e.g., account numbers, are accurate. Once you are eligible for COD payment, refunds may take 3 weeks. To expedite the process of refunds, all refunds may be credited to the customer's wallet, which is a secure and very fast process.

How to Request a Refund:

To raise a refund request for damaged or defective products, send the refund email request to damaged@buysm.com. Please note that you mention your Order ID in the subject line, And do not forget to add the image of your damaged product(s). To raise a refund request for a missing product(s), Email us at missing@buysm.com, mention your Order ID in the subject line and reason for requesting a refund and mention which product was missing from your order. In such a missing refund request, we will review the packing video of your order to ensure all your listed items were placed in the package or not.

Return Policy:

We also understand that in some circumstances, you want to return a product(s) that are non-defective. In such circumstances, we may refund the return of unused, unopened products after calculating the 20% restocking fee and deduct it from the refund you issue for the product ONLY if you request a return within 30 working days of order receipt. We also understand that your health care professional or doctor may change a prescription from time to time, and in such cases, we may not charge a 20% restocking charge after verification and we will refund a 100% product amount to your account.

Return Policy Exceptions

Please ensure that we do not offer any replacements or exchanges for the product of the following categories: Health Monitor And Equipment and Injections. Also, You must understand and agree that buysm.com reserves the right to refuse refunds or returns for the products which fall under such categories and products marked as "non-returnable" on the product detail page cannot be returned.

Last updated on: 22 October 2024
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